Circulation Policy

Circulation Policy:

  • Patrons may check out up to 20 books and 10 DVDs/other resources at a time on a single account.
  • Patrons may check out books for up to 21 days at a time, and DVDs/other resources for up to 7 days at a time.
  • The library does not charge fees for overdue items. However, patrons are expected to return or renew materials in a timely manner. Overdue notices will be emailed or mailed until the issue is resolved, or the item is marked as “LOST”.
  • Items that are 90 days or more overdue will be marked as “LOST”. Patrons will be charged for the replacement value of these items at that time.
  • Patrons that lose or damage library items will be charged for the replacement value of those items.
  • Patrons will be restricted to one check-out at a time until fines are resolved.