Inter Library Loans

If the Gustavus Public Library doesn't have it, we can get it!

with the Inter Library Loan service through Anchorage

What is Interlibrary Loan?

Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL) is a network of participating libraries that allows cardholders with full borrowing privileges the ability to request materials from libraries across the country.

What is available through Interlibrary Loan?

Each library sets its own policies about what it will lend. Most libraries will not lend genealogical material or unbound periodicals but may make a photocopy of the relevant entry or article, or they might send a reel of microfilm. Some libraries will stipulate that their material must be used in the library (like a reference book). Many libraries will not lend new items (six months or less).

Who is eligible for ILL requests?

Card Holders with an Gustavus Public Library card may make Interlibrary Loan requests. Cards that are blocked due to fines will not be able to request ILL materials. Guest and Alaska Resident cards do not have Interlibrary Loan privileges. There is a suggested donation of $3 for postage. 

How Do I Request Materials?

You may stop in and request in person or email either Jessie or LeAnn with the following information:

                          Title, Author, ISBN#

If you have difficulty locating and ISBN number for your book or DVD, we will help you!  

Please let us know if you have any questions,